Hello Blog World!

The first post, so much pressure…lucky for me I’m doing this for fun without the pressure of “making it” in the blog world gaining sponsors and ads. This idea came about shortly after I got married and we moved into our home together. We completed project after project and I kept saying how I wanted to show people what we did and how to do it. Pinterest is the obvious answer, but almost every time you click on a Pin, it takes you to a blog, article or how-to website. So, I decided to start a blog so I can share what we’re working on.

A little background on me. I spent my 20’s working around the US as an Athletic Trainer (the people who run out in football games when someone gets hurt) for various universities. It was an exciting career and I did enjoy it, but it was not the career that was going to give me the time I wanted to spend raising a family. Literally 2 months after I decided I was going to leave athletic training at the end of that school year, I met my future husband, Richard. We fell hard and fell fast. Date #1 was a full day of snowboarding where just about every topic was covered you could think of. 6 months later we were engaged and later married, during Covid…a Drip about that coming soon.

Drip, what is that? The idea started as a name for my future wine company. When you pour a glass of wine, 9 times out of 10 there will be a droplet of wine that makes its way down the side of the bottle. My future wine label will be plain, with a red drip down the side as the logo. Well, a future wine company is way way in the future (or never) but I loved the name so I’m using it here. Each post, blog, project or plan is a Drip. So here it goes, I’m stepping into the blogging world, wish me luck!

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